We so very much appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers Petie has received. The kind words from all of his friends is such a source of encouragement and hope for us, as we struggle with this illness.
Many of Petie's dear friends had asked if they could tweet about raising funds to help with Petie's vetrinary bills. To those of you who have been so generous to my dear Petie we say "thank you" from the bottom of our hearts. You need to know that it was an extremely difficult decision to allow this to happen.
Petie has now been on his medication since Saturday and he is taking it like a good boy with minimal fighting. I have noticed already that he is far less agitated than he had been over the past few days. This alone is a great thing for Petie as it is very difficult to see him be so very agitated all the time.
He is however having issues with eating his food. We have tried 3 different ones so far and he just plain will not eat them. The good thing is that he did have some of the dry kibble this morning that was mixed with his regular kibble. At this point I will be happy if he eats anything.
The vet said that once a cat goes off his food, it is very difficult to get them back on, so we continue to pray that he will somehow like one of the foods that we are going to try on him.
He continues to drink huge amounts of water which of course is a sign of the renal failure. The Vet said that this should hopefully decrease as his medication starts to work.
He will have a repeat blood panel in 4-6 weeks and at that time it will be determined if he will require additional fluids under his skin. I hope so very much that we do not have to do that for him just yet.
Petie as many of you know is a fighter and he has a strong will. I hope that he will continue to fight this with all he has.
Again, thank you all so very much for all that you have done for us.