I would like you to meet KityKity. This is a sweet little girl cat that our dear friend @Wildboutbirds rescued last weekend.
Honeybell's mama did find the kitty, with very serious wounds and punctures all over her body.
Being the absolute animal lover that she is of course she rushed this sweet girl off to the vets to see if they could help her.
KityKity has needed to have massive treatment and they are still having to take her back to the Vet every couple of days to work on the massive wound in her side.
However, as a result of this the Vet bills are becoming very high. So far, nearing $2,000 with more treatment to come.
In addition to this one of their other cats has become sick as well and they are going to face Vet bills for sweet Simon as well.
I would like to ask that if there is any donation that you can make, big or small, as we all know that every little bit goes a long way, it would be so very much appreciated.
Here is the link to help out our dear friend @wildboutbirds with the vet bill for KityKity http://kittykittyvetbill.chipin.com/kittykittys-vetbill
Thank you all very much